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Publications zum Thema Cement industry


Decarbonising Cement and Concrete: A CO₂ Roadmap for the German cement industry

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Executive Summary of the VDZ Study

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Resources of the future for cement and concrete – Potential and action strategies

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Executive Summary of the VDZ Study

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VDZ: Cement in Germany

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Recent advances on European cement standards prepared by CEN TC51 for more sustainable products

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In: Thailand Concrete Association, Ed. Further Reduction of CO2 -Emissions and Circularity in the Cement and Concrete Industry, 16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement 2023 - ICCC 2023 (Bangkok 18.-22.09.2023). Bangkok, 2023. Available at:

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Germany's net zero ambitions

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In: International Cement Review, 10, 2023: 16-21.

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Education and Training Programme 2024/25

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VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.

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  • Zementindustrie
  • Zementherstellung
  • Betontechnologie
  • Chemie und Mineralogie
  • Qualitätssicherung
  • Umweltschutz
  • Wissenstransfer


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