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Publications zum Thema Cement industry


The cement industry on the way to a low-carbon future

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Cement and Concrete Research 124 (2019), 105792

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Deutschland 19: Dr Martin Schneider and Dennis Guhl, VDZ, examine the cement industry in Germany

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World Cement (2019) 6, S.10-14

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The cement market in Germany in the 1st half of 2018: Cement consumption at same level as previous year, further growth limited by capacity bottlenecks in construction

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Cement International 17 (2019) 3, S.12

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German cement industry - mercury balance: 5300 analyses provide dependable database for Hg mass flows

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Cement International 17 (2019) 2, S.12

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New field of activity - "digital process support": Environment and Plant technology will work more intensively in future on the issues of digitalization

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Cement International 17 (2019) 2, S.11

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Three new services offered by VDZ

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Cement International 17 (2019) 2, S.10

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EU emissions trading from 2021 to 2023: current situation: Several legislative implementing acts needed for detailed regulations

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Cement International 17 (2019) 1, S.12

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The challenges of a CO₂ infrastructure: The path from CO₂ capture to storage and utilization

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Cement International 18 (2020) 1, S.10

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