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Knowledge transfer

Industry publication

Education and Training Programme 2024/25

Available in English

VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.

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Informations- und Qualifizierungsplattform geht an den Start

Available in German

Ab sofort stellt der BTB sein innovatives Qualifizierungstool online. Damit wird Mitarbeitenden der Betonindustrie aus fachfremden Berufen oder auch ohne Ausbildung der berufsbegleitende Weg zum qualifizierten Berufsabschluss „Verfahrensmechaniker in der Steine- und Erdenindustrie (m/w/d)“ eröffnet.

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Specialist articles

Bevölkerungsbewegung und Wirtschaft

Available in German

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Specialist articles

VDZ-endowed professorship at Duesseldorf University of Applied Science: Dr Philipp M. Fleiger takes over the faculty of "Cement Process Technology"

Available in English

Cement International 17 (2019) 2, S.11

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Specialist articles

The 2019 Cement Chemistry Symposium of the German Cement Works Association (VDZ): Duesseldorf, Germany (28.03.2019)

Available in English

Cement International 17 (2019) 4, S.18-25

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Specialist articles

Process operator training in demand

Available in English

Cement International 17 (2019) 6, S.14

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Cement production

Specialist articles

Rasche Feststellung der Zerrieselungsfähigkeit von Hochofenschlacke

Available in German

Tonindustrie-Zeitung 42 (1918) 12, S.54

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Specialist articles

Über den Brennstoffverbrauch bei Herstellung verschiedener Baumaterialien

Available in German

Zement 8 (1919) 32, S.367-370

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Specialist articles

Getrennte Mahlung der Rohstoffe für das Rohmehl: Mitteilung aus dem Forschungsinstitut der Hüttenzementindustrie

Available in German

Zement (1924) 24, S.

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Specialist articles

Über die Mahlfeinheit von Hochofenzement

Available in German

Tonindustrie-Zeitung (1924) 3, S.18-21

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Specialist articles

Luftgranulierte Schlacke im Vergleich zu wassergranulierter bei der Herstellung von Hüttenzementen: Mitteilung aus dem Forschungsinstitut der Hüttenzementindustrie

Available in German

Zement (1925) 4, S.57-60

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Specialist articles

Herstellung von Schlackenzementen

Available in German

Zement 15 (1926) 52, S.952-954

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Cement industry

Industry publication

Environmental Data of the German Cement Industry 2005

Available in German and English
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Industry publication

7. International VDZ-Congress

Available in English and English

Proceedings, 25.-27. September 2013

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Industry publication

Activity Report 2005-2007

Available in English
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Industry publication

Resources of the future for cement and concrete – Potential and action strategies

Available in English

Executive Summary of the VDZ Study

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Industry publication

Environmental Data of the German Cement Industry 2013

Available in German and English
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Industry publication

Environmental Data of the German Cement Industry 2012

Available in German and English
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Concrete technology


Informations- und Qualifizierungsplattform geht an den Start

Available in German

Ab sofort stellt der BTB sein innovatives Qualifizierungstool online. Damit wird Mitarbeitenden der Betonindustrie aus fachfremden Berufen oder auch ohne Ausbildung der berufsbegleitende Weg zum qualifizierten Berufsabschluss „Verfahrensmechaniker in der Steine- und Erdenindustrie (m/w/d)“ eröffnet.

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Forschungsergebnisse: Optimale Verdichtung leichtverarbeitbarer Betone mit hoher Robustheit

Available in German

Ziel des IGF-Vorhabens 19276 N war es, grundlegende Erkenntnisse zur bedarfsgerechten Verdichtung von leicht zu verarbeitenden Betonen in Abhängigkeit der Frischbetoneigenschaften zu gewinnen. Die Untersuchungen sollten dabei den gesamten möglichen Bereich der Frischbetoneigenschaften von LVB abdecken.

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Forschungsergebnisse: Verhalten verschiedener Gesteine unter beschleunigenden Bedingungen in AKR-Prüfverfahren

Available in German

Das IGF-Vorhaben 19077 BG sollte Erkenntnisse über das Verhalten verschiedener Gesteine unter beschleunigenden Bedingungen in AKR-Prüfungen liefern. Die Ergebnisse sollten dazu dienen, die Wirkung von verschiedenen Temperaturen, Lagerungslösungen und Lösungskonzentrationen in Prüfungen mit unterschiedlichen groben Gesteinskörnungen besser einschätzen zu können.

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Results: DURAFOR - Forecast of durability properties of concrete with new clinker based cements

Available in English and English

In a CORNET (Collective Research Networking) research project, the project partners CRIC (Belgium), Smart minerals (Austria) and VDZ (Germany) had combined under the consortium leadership of the VDZ to determine characteristic variables for cement and mortar samples and correlate them with the results of concrete durability tests.

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Results (German): CARBON CONCRETE COMPOSITE – C³: Acceleration of standardisation and approval procedures in the context of test-based design and performance testing for C³ products (CarbonSpeed)

Available in German

The aim of the C³ CarbonSpeed project was to create a guideline to complement the existing verification procedures of the building authorities (approval in individual cases, national technical approval) with a view to shortening the time required for the introduction of solutions with carbon concrete.

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Results: CARBON CONCRETE COMPOSITE – C³: Proofs and testing concepts for standards and technical approvals

Available in German

The aim of the current research phase was the elimination of market barriers through clear regulation.

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Chemistry and mineralogy

Industry publication

7. International VDZ-Congress

Available in English

Tagungsband, 25.-27. September 2013

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Industry publication

7. International VDZ-Congress

Available in English and English

Proceedings, 25.-27. September 2013

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Industry publication

Education and Training Programme 2024/25

Available in English

VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Tagungsband, 26. - 28. September 2018

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Proceedings, 26. - 28. September 2018

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Reference works

Microscopy of Cement Clinker: Picture Atlas

Available in English

Verein Deutscher Zementwerke, VDZ, Ed. Microscopy of Cement Clinker: Picture Atlas. Duesseldorf: Bet.-Verl., 1977

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Quality assurance

Industry publication

Education and Training Programme 2024/25

Available in English

VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.

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Specialist articles

FIZ-Zert offers CSC certification: The first concrete and cement plants have proven their sustainability

Available in English

Cement International 17 (2019) 1, S.12

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Tagungsband, 26. - 28. September 2018

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Proceedings, 26. - 28. September 2018

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Specialist articles

Well equipped for research and analysis: Solution of complex analysis tasks thanks to new equipment technology

Available in English

Cement International 15 (2017) 2, S.28

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Specialist articles

The laboratory is running! Is at its best or is there still potential for improvement?: Reviewing the X-ray analysis in the works laboratory can improve the accuracy of production control

Available in English

Cement International 14 (2016) 5, S.23

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Environmental protection

Specialist articles

Shaft kiln for calcining raw meal for clinker production in the cement industry

Available in English

ZKG International. 2024, 77(4), S.34-35

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Results: Advanced Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping Process (ANICA)

Available in German

The ANICA project (Advanced Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping Process) investigated the development of a novel, indirectly heated carbonate looping process to reduce energy consumption and costs for CO₂ capture from lime and cement plants.

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Results: Optimisation and evaluation of process chains for chemical CO₂ utilisation for the emission reduction in the cement industry

Available in German

Research report (in German) on IGF project 21582 N, in which process chains for chemical CO₂ utilisation for the emission reduction in the cement industry were to be investigated.

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Industry publication

Education and Training Programme 2024/25

Available in English

VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.

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Specialist articles

Germany's net zero ambitions

Available in English

In: International Cement Review, 10, 2023: 16-21.

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Specialist articles

Shaft kiln for calcining raw meal for clinker production in the cement industry - an efficient technology for concentrating CO₂ in the flue gas

Available in German and English

The capture of CO₂ and its subsequent use and storage are essential elements of the cement industry's decarbonisation strategy. The capture of CO₂ from the flue gas is energy-intensive and complex. It can be carried out more easily and efficiently by maximising the CO₂ concentration in the flue gas. The separation of the calcination of the limestone in the raw meal from the burning process to produce clinker phases simplifies the accumulation of CO₂ in the flue gas significantly.

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