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Research projects on the subject Cement production


CLEANKER – Integrated calcium looping process for CO₂ capture

The aim of the CLEANKER (CLEAN clinKER) project is to perform large-scale testing of this technology as an integrated method (Technology Readiness Level 7). It is planned to treat 4 000 m³/h exhaust gas in a demonstration plant to be connected to an existing kiln line at the Buzzi Unicem works in Vernasca in Italy.

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Emissionsreduktion in der Steine- und Erden-Industrie durch modellbasierte Prozessoptimierung (EMREDPRO) [in German]

Ziel des Projekts ist es, ein Softwaremodell zu entwickeln, das eine Anlage und bestehende Werksprozesse ganzheitlich abbildet. Mit dem Tool soll es möglich sein, neue Teile in die Anlage zu integrieren und deren Auswirkungen zu untersuchen.

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Joint Project SynErgie: Synchronised and energy-adaptive production technology for adapting industrial processes to a fluctuating power supply

In the course of the research project, a cross-industry approach to the determination of flexibility potential was developed and adapted to the needs of the basic materials industry.

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Development of a process for recycling waste incinerator slag as a raw material component in cement production

[The project description and the results are only available in German.]

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ECo – Efficient Co-Electrolyser for Efficient Renewable Energy Storage

The aim of ECo project was to utilise CO₂ for co-electrolysis SOEC in combination with electricity production from renewable sources for storage as methane presented an interesting approach to handling CO₂ emissions from the cement industry in a future sustainable energy system.

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Investigation of separate finest grinding in cement production as a means of improving energy efficiency and cement properties

The research project was to create the basis for the use of mills for the targeted fine grinding of cement fractions and cement-like products.

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Increased use of alternative fuel in the main firing system of rotary cement kilns

The aim of the project was to define the sensitivities of and relationships between the various influencing factors in a form applicable to plants in general. This was achieved on the basis of plant experiences, as well as on existing and new plant measurements and CFD simulation.

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CEMCAP – CO₂ capture from cement production

Taking into account the experimental results and a techno-economic analysis, CEMCAP has developed a decision basis for CO₂ capture technologies in the cement industry. This should enable European cement producers to perform plant-specific CCS economic analyses and adapt to a world with limited carbon emissions. From a European perspective, CEMCAP aims to expand the portfolio of cost- and resource-efficient options for CCS and thus the possibilities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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  • Knowledge transfer
  • Cement production
  • Cement industry
  • Concrete technology
  • Chemistry and mineralogy
  • Quality assurance
  • Environmental protection


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  • English

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