

The introduction of a further degree of freedom in production in the form of separate finest grinding has not been implemented in the cement industry so far. The pinpointed use of superfine and coarse particles considerably improves the void filling of loose cement and thus the cement properties. Specific power demand for multi-stage, adapted finest comminution is reduced. Influencing of the particle size distribution under near-practical conditions permits control of the hydration process and strength development. Small finest grinding units are less capital-intensive and mixing with separate fine ground particles can be performed directly in existing mixing equipment. The modelling of mixtures provides a more profound insight into the effect of particle shape and particle size distribution on void filling and thus on the cement properties.

The design of particle size distributions can promote the use of new cement constituents over the long term. Cement properties are optimised, the CO2 balance is improved through clinker substitution and more sustainable use can be made of resources.

Background and goals of the research project

Cement grinding is energy-intensive. Process technology optimisation and the optimal utilisation of grinding units can significantly enhance the efficiency of the comminution process. The products obtained from high-efficiency grinding plants do not however fully satisfy the requirements of the European market.


The IGF project 18853 N of VDZ Technology gGmbH was supported by the AiF within the framework of Industrial Collective Research (IGF) of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag.

Results (Geman)

The goal of the research project was to create the basis for the use of mills for the targeted fine grinding of cement fractions and cement-like products.

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Person to contact

Do you have questions regarding this project?

Dr Volker Hoenig
Environment and Plant technology

+49-211-45 78-254

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As the last step in the value chain of cement production, cement grinding significantly determines the cement quality. In particular, the increased fineness of cements over the past 15 years and the diversification of the product portfolio increase the energy demand as well as the technical requirements for grinding. In addition to these challenges, the reliability of operations and delivery commitments to customers are also highly important.

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