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Knowledge transfer


Reduction of green house gases by process innovations in the primary Industry, SP 6: Development of a methodology for cross-project and ecological potential assessment, cement industry

The transfer and networking project ReInvent aims to provide technical and organisational support for the BMBF funding measure KlimPro-Industrie.

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BetonQuali - information and qualification platform

"BetonQuali - information and qualification platform", a joint project of VDZ gGmbH and its project partners, aimed to develop and test a training method for semi-skilled and unskilled employees in the concrete industry.

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Increasing energy efficiency in the cement industry through training by means of virtual reality (VR)

The aim of IGF project 21619 is to develop a training simulator with which learners can independently solve typical process engineering tasks within a virtual reality (VR) environment, particularly in connection with ball mills.

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Cement production


Reducing mercury loads in rotary cement kilns using sorbents

The research project was investigating the extent to which the different types of mercury bond, the alkaline atmosphere and high dust loading influence the effectiveness of possible additives such as activated charcoal, open-hearth coke or other calcium compounds and mixtures of these.

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Development of a high-efficiency SNCR process with staged combustion for reducing NOₓ and NH₃ emissions in cement industry rotary kiln plants with precalcination

The aim of the research project was to obtain general NOₓ emission abatement to 200 mg/m³ with a minimal NH₃ slip of max. 30 mg/m³ in cement industry rotary kiln plants with precalcination.

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CEMCAP – CO₂ capture from cement production

Taking into account the experimental results and a techno-economic analysis, CEMCAP has developed a decision basis for CO₂ capture technologies in the cement industry. This should enable European cement producers to perform plant-specific CCS economic analyses and adapt to a world with limited carbon emissions. From a European perspective, CEMCAP aims to expand the portfolio of cost- and resource-efficient options for CCS and thus the possibilities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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Increasing energy efficiency in the cement industry through training by means of virtual reality (VR)

The aim of IGF project 21619 is to develop a training simulator with which learners can independently solve typical process engineering tasks within a virtual reality (VR) environment, particularly in connection with ball mills.

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Improving the selection and service life of metallic materials in the high-temperature range of rotary cement kilns, taking into account the relevant gas atmosphere

The aim of this research project was to investigate the issue of high-temperature corrosion in the hot area of the preheater and the rotary kiln.

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Investigation on the interaction of fuel particles and cement clinker with the aim of increasing the use of alternative fuels

The aim of the research project was to identify those fuel particles which potentially cause the greatest disturbances and to determine their rate of conversion in the flame and in the clinker bed. A further goal was to derive quality criteria for AF, to elaborate recommendations for the optimisation of fuel feeding systems and to develop a tool to estimate the suitability of an AF.

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Concrete technology


Investigations into the fire-induced explosive spalling of ecologically optimised concretes as well as determination of the thermo-mechanical and thermo-physical properties of these concretes

The purpose of the research project is to gain the first systematic scientific findings on spalling behaviour in the event of fire and on thermo-mechanical and thermo-physical properties for concretes with the new clinker-efficient cement types and with recycled aggregates.

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REDOL - Aragon's REgional Hub for circularity: Demonstration Of Local industrial-urban symbiosis initiatives

Redol deals with closing material cycles using the city of Zaragoza as an example. The research project focuses on solid urban waste, which is an abundant source to produce circular products. Five value chains for solid urban waste in the Aragon region will be redesigned in order to be able to produce circular products using an industrial-urban symbiosis approach.

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Fresh concrete properties and hardening behaviour of concretes with clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI

EN 197-5 defined the clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI. Technical approvals for the application of CEM II/C cements have been issued. For a widespread application, it is important that all parties involved develop confidence in the new products. With new findings on fresh concrete properties, hardening behaviour and durability two research projects of the VDZ Concrete Technology Department will provide an important basis for application of these cements in concrete for the construction industry.

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Durability of concretes with clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI

EN 197-5 defined the clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI. Technical approvals for the application of CEM II/C cements have been issued. For a wide application, all parties involved have to develop confidence in the new products. With new findings on fresh concrete properties, hardening behaviour and durability two research projects of the VDZ Concrete Technology Department will provide an important basis for the application of these cements in the construction industry.

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Durability of concrete according to the performance principle - classification of material resistance, production control (PC), conformity criteria and control (CC)

In this project, the systematic classification of the carbonation and chloride penetration resistance of concretes will be investigated. Based on these results, recommendations for action will be derived for production and conformity control within the framework of a performance-based durability concept.

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Reduction of green house gases by process innovations in the primary Industry, SP 6: Development of a methodology for cross-project and ecological potential assessment, cement industry

The transfer and networking project ReInvent aims to provide technical and organisational support for the BMBF funding measure KlimPro-Industrie.

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Chemistry and mineralogy


Effects of pre-hydration on the performance of cements and the influence of different clinker properties

The research project has two objectives. The first is to investigate whether certain chemical / mineralogical properties can make clinker more robust against pre-hydration effects. Secondly, it will be investigated which measures can be taken to counteract possible negative effects, in particular by adjusting the sulphate carrier composition.

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Kiln atmosphere during clay calcination – effects on emissions and product properties

Calcined clays as the main cement constituent are an essential part of the cement industry's decarbonisation strategy. Many clay deposits have iron-rich impurities that form hematite during calcination, which colors the product, the cement and ultimately the concrete red. A reducing atmosphere during calcination and/or cooling can prevent the formation of hematite. Systematic findings on the influence of secondary constituents in clays on their reactivity, emissions and cement-technical properties have hardly been available to date and are to be systematically investigated in the project.

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Calcined Clays from mineral secondary raw materials

The aim of the research project was to investigate the suitability of largely unutilised mineral secondary raw materials from the stone and earth industry as a resource-conserving and climate-friendly main cement constituent. The utilisation of calcined clays from secondary raw materials instead of conventional cement main constituents or high-quality primary clays can make an important contribution to the production of climate-friendly and resource-efficient cements. This means that the transformation process of the cement industry can be shaped in a way that is not only cli-mate-friendly but also resource-efficient.

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Performance of ternary cements with Portland cement clinker, calcined clay and limestone as the main constituents

The project systematically investigates the performance and hydration behaviour of ternary cement (KQL) with clinker (K), calcined clay (Q) and limestone (L) as well as key durability aspects of concretes produced with these materials.

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High-quality recycling of crushed concrete sand

In the ZIM research project, used concrete is processed in such a way as to improve the usability of all fractions generated, in particular the crushed sand and the fine fraction. To this end, tests are also being carried out on the pozzolanic reactivation of the recycled concrete fines.

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Clinker burning with alternative fuels at low process temperatures - effects on coating formation and on the corrosion of refractory products in the cement rotary kiln as well as on the performance of cement

The replacement of primary fuels by alternative fuels is of great economic and ecological importance for the cement industry and is to be increased in the future. The fuel ashes are used as raw material in the cement clinker and influence its properties as well as the coating formation on the refractory lining in the kiln. Exact knowledge of these effects is indispensable for the further increase of the alternative fuel rate and the simultaneous optimisation of the kiln operation as well as for the maintenance of the clinker quality and the service life of the refractory lining.

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Environmental protection


CaLby2030 – Calcium Looping to capture CO2 from industrial processes by 2030

In CaLby2030, the deployment of Calcium Looping technology (CaL) using Circulating Fluidised Bed reactors (CFB) in the cement industry will be investigated, aiming at efficient CO₂-Capture without compromising clinker production or product quality. A technology scale-up will be also evaluated in a German cement plant by exploring different retrofit possibilities. Besides the cement sector, the deployment of CFB-CaL technology in other relevant sectors will also be investigated.

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  • Knowledge transfer
  • Cement production
  • Cement industry
  • Concrete technology
  • Chemistry and mineralogy
  • Quality assurance
  • Environmental protection


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