
On 6 November 2024 Christian Knell, President of the German Cement Works Association (VDZ), officially opened the 9ᵗʰ International VDZ Congress with over 600 participants in Düsseldorf: ”The cement and concrete industry is probably undergoing its biggest transformation ever. Step by step, we are decarbonising our value chain”, emphasised the VDZ President. “There is no alternative, we must deliver a net-zero cement and concrete value chain and we will deliver if we get the right framework conditions and the support of governments and society”. The VDZ Congress is the international scientific forum for the cement industry and its suppliers, addressing key challenges and developments to the sector. This year's focus is on shaping the transformation together, e.g. in the fields of carbon capture (CCUS), process technology, digitalisation and binder technology.

The global construction industry is facing a significant demand for its services, even in regions such as Central Europe, where economic conditions are currently challenging. “Cement and concrete are needed, and it is up to us to decarbonise them”, said Martin Schneider, Chief Executive of VDZ. “Our sector is going to be part of a bigger solution. We will continue to contribute to global wellbeing while achieving net-zero and resource efficiency in our processes and in the value chain.”


The 9ᵗʰ International VDZ Congress 2024 presented a comprehensive overview of strategies for the cement and concrete industry to gradually reduce its CO₂ emissions, energy demand, and electricity consumption while ensuring the sustainability and future-oriented development of its products. Speakers from leading international institutions, cement producers and equipment suppliers shared their knowledge on the latest developments concerning the transformation of the industry on its way towards climate neutrality. The opening day provided an overview of transformation issues along the cement and concrete value chain. These topics were further explored on the second day in the sessions “Decarbonisation through carbon capture”, “Decarbonisation through process development” and “Digitalisation to increase efficiencies”. The third day of the congress featured the sessions “Process control - emission abatement” and “Binder technology - existing and new concepts”. The VDZ Congress thus provided participants with numerous impulses for shaping the further paths of transformation.

VDZ was founded in 1877. In its capacity as a joint organisation of the German cement manufacturers, VDZ has been actively promoting environmentally compatible cement production and high-quality concrete construction for more than 140 years. As an international centre of research and expertise in the field of cement, concrete and environmental protection, VDZ has acquired a worldwide reputation and respect for its practical research work and comprehensive range of services throughout the entire value chain.



Impressions (Part 1)



Impressions (Part 2)


6 November 2024

Registration will start at 10.00h

14.00 - 17.30h

Hall Maritim


  • Welcome
    Christian Knell, President of VDZ
  • The decarbonisation of concrete design – what we need from the cement and concrete sector
    Paul Astle, Ramboll
  • The role of SCMs in tomorrow's cement and concrete
    Hendrik Möller, SCHWENK
  • Closing the material and CO₂ loop of concrete
    Jan Skocek, Heidelberg Materials
  • Grinding – state of the art and beyond
    Karl-Heinz Boes, Holcim / Stefan Seemann, VDZ
  • The carbon capture process chain
    Kristina Fleiger, VDZ

7 November 2024


09.00 - 12.45h

Hall Maritim


  • The role of CCS
    Katherine Romanak, University of Texas
  • Experiences from carbon capture projects at Holcim
    Michael Weihrauch, Holcim
  • CCUS - lessons learned at CRH
    John Glynn / Pierre Bultez, CRH
  • The CI4C project – the first of its kind pure oxyfuel pilot plant
    Tobias Kaschke, CI4C Consortium
  • IFESTOS: lessons learned so far
    Faidon-Kosmas Prokopios, TITAN
  • The Rohrdorfer race to net zero cement production
    Christopher Ehrenberg, Rohrdorfer


12.45 - 13.45h



13.45 - 17.00h

Hall Maritim


  • Net zero decarbonisation levers: global status and outlook
    Claude Loréa, GCCA
  • Sinoma – its future cement plant
    Sui Tongbo, Sinoma
  • Meca-clay, a promising alternative technology to activate any clay as SCM
    Luc Rudowski, thyssenkrupp Polysius
  • Industrial experience of the Vicat Group in the production of calcined clays
    François Avet, Vicat
  • Clinker micronisation – CO₂ emissions reduction by enhancing the grinding process
    Nestor Isaias Quintero Mora / Yuly Natalia Cajamarca, CEMEX

13.45 - 17.00h

Hall Düsseldorf


  • Digital transformation – unifying data structures in cement plants
    Kevin Treiber, VDZ
  • Cement plant prescriptive maintenance in 3D; transforming data into dollars in the digital era
    Scott Ziegler, CemAI
  • Enhancing efficiency – standardising delivery notes in the cement industry to meet evolving supply chain demands
    Wolfgang Peseke, Dyckerhoff
  • Improving kiln stability and fuel efficiency with artificial intelligence
    Daniel Summerbell, Carbon Re / Jiri Strapina, Heidelberg Materials




8 November 2024


09.00 - 12.45h

Hall Maritim


  • Successful generational change at Alpacem Austria
    Florian Salzer, Alpacem
  • Mercury emissions – control and measurement
    Robin Harrass / Ute Zunzer, VDZ
  • Prospects for the electrification of the clinker manufacturing process
    Albrecht Schall, VDZ
  • Unicorn hunting – how to attract and keep talents for our industry
    Stefan Puntke, Refratechnik
  • Retrofitting of a pot calciner – impact on thermal efficiency and CO₂ emissions
    Martin Oerter, Dyckerhoff

09.00 - 12.45h

Hall Düsseldorf


  • Carbon upcycling – unlocking a new generation of SCMs
    Apoorv Sinha, Carbon Upcycling
  • Co-reactive – turning captured CO2 into pozzolanic material
    Orlando Kleineberg / Andreas Bremen / Ahmed Kalifa, Co-reactive
  • Fortera - ReAct® Green Cement Ecosystem
    Craig Hargis, Fortera
  • Cemvision – electrified cement production
    Claes Kollberg / Paul Sandberg, Cemvision
  • MgO based binders as a CO₂ sink
    Barbara Lothenbach, Empa
  • Calcined clays of different origin – their performance as SCM in cement
    Simone Schulze, VDZ


Person to contact

Do you have any questions on this subject?

Sybille Matthäi

+49-211-45 78-342

Other items of possible interest


Research projects

Performance of two-layer concrete pavers using clinker efficient cements with focus on freeze-thaw resistance

Following the recommendations of the CO₂ roadmap, a minimum of 50 % of concrete for pavers will be produced with CEM II/C or similar clinker efficient cements by 2050. Proof of their practicability for production of two-layer pavers is still pending. This research project aims to develop actions for paver manufacturers to ensure a production of concrete pavers with a high resistance to freeze-thaw attack with de-icing chemicals using clinker efficient cements.

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Research projects

REDOL - Aragon's REgional Hub for circularity: Demonstration Of Local industrial-urban symbiosis initiatives

Redol deals with closing material cycles using the city of Zaragoza as an example. The research project focuses on solid urban waste, which is an abundant source to produce circular products. Five value chains for solid urban waste in the Aragon region will be redesigned in order to be able to produce circular products using an industrial-urban symbiosis approach.

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Energy balances and efficiency

In this training you will learn how to conduct and evaluate cement kiln and mill trials. Kiln and mill examinations are carried out in order to gather data on the performance and to validate warranty performance data such as the output, the energy consumption, input/output ratio or the efficiency. Using this data as a reliable basis, you can for example optimise individual components of the operating system as well as the cement quality, reduce energy demands as well as emissions, evaluate material cycles and reduce coating formation.

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Research projects

Fire performance of ecologically optimised concretes

The purpose of the research project is to gain the first systematic scientific findings on spalling behaviour in the event of fire and on thermo-mechanical and thermo-physical properties for concretes with the new clinker-efficient cement types and with recycled aggregates.

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Firing alternative fuels 2026

In this training you will become familiar with all relevant aspects concerning the use of alternative fuels in cement plants. Starting with the main political drivers such as the circular economy and the European waste fuel strategy, you will get a detailed insight into the current state-of-the-art-situation with regard to the use of alternative fuels in the EU. In this context, pre-treatment and suitable quality control of alternative fuels will be also explained and presented to you. You will focus on all the relevant aspects of the use of alternative fuels in the burning process (e.g. drivers and barriers of their use, available process technology and latest developments) and discuss them in the sessions. You will acquire knowledge about technical feasibility and optimisation potential, and have the possibility to discuss case studies.

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Research projects

Reduction of green house gases by process innovations in the primary Industry, SP 6: Development of a methodology for cross-project and ecological potential assessment, cement industry

The transfer and networking project ReInvent aims to provide technical and organisational support for the BMBF funding measure KlimPro-Industrie.

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Research projects

CaLby2030 – Calcium Looping to capture CO2 from industrial processes by 2030

In CaLby2030, the deployment of Calcium Looping technology (CaL) using Circulating Fluidised Bed reactors (CFB) in the cement industry will be investigated, aiming at efficient CO₂-Capture without compromising clinker production or product quality. A technology scale-up will be also evaluated in a German cement plant by exploring different retrofit possibilities. Besides the cement sector, the deployment of CFB-CaL technology in other relevant sectors will also be investigated.

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Burning technology in cement production

Clinker production is the most energy-intensive process step in cement manufacturing. It can represent up to 90% of the total energy demand in a cement plant and is therefore a main focus not only with regard to cost optimisation and quality improvement of the final product, but also regarding emission control and the reduction of impacts on the environment. VDZ’s training will enable you as participant to obtain a deeper knowledge of the clinker production process and a better understanding of how the daily decisions can impact the overall performance of the plant (quality, electrical energy use, fuel consumption and emissions).

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Grinding technology in cement production

Raw material and cement grinding are the first and the last major process steps during cement production. The energy demand of these two processes amounts to up to ~70% of the electrical energy used in a cement plant. For you as participant, this training will help to obtain a better understanding of the comminution processes as well as the equipment used for grinding. The knowledge acquired in this online seminar will deliver a solid basis for assessing and evaluating the optimisation potential for grinding processes and the ground product.

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Research projects

Investigation and optimisation of the dynamic operating characteristics of the oxyfuel-operated cement clinker burning process for CO₂ capture

The oxyfuel technology is to be investigated qualitatively using a dynamic process simulation. This will provide a basis for the control and optimization of oxyfuel systems, resulting in a faster rollout of this crucial technology for CO₂ reduction.

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