A life cycle assessment study provides quantification of the possible environmental impacts of a product. Our range of services specifically encompasses the development of life cycle assessments and environmental product declarations (EPD) for the areas of cement and concrete. In doing so, we apply the standards developed by CEN/TC 350 for the construction sector in particular. We develop product-specific life cycle assessments and environmental product declarations for cement manufacturers in Germany and other European countries. Our employees also act as "DGNB auditors". The certification system of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), which was developed in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development (BmVBS), assesses structures from the point of view of environmental protection, cost-effectiveness and user-friendliness with regard to sustainability. We can supply the following comprehensive services in this context:
- Accompaniment of the planning process for buildings with a view to the DGNB sustainability criteria
- Supervision of the execution of work from the point of view of DGNB certification
- Performance of the final project audit: Reviewing and checking of the completed documentation and verifications