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Publications on the subject Environmental protection

Industry publication

Environmental Data of the German Cement Industry 2019

Available in German and English

VDZ's environmental data reflect that the German cement industry invests decisively in plant optimisation. This keeps them in a leading role worldwide in terms of environmental compatibility, alternative fuels and plant energy efficiency.

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Specialist articles

Umweltverträglichkeit von Carbonbeton: Ergebnisse eines Forschungsvorhabens

Available in German

Beton. 2020, 70(5), S.166-175

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Specialist articles

Estado de la Técnica de la Reducción de Emisiones en Europa

Available in German

o.O. (o.J.), 39 S.

This article has to be requested from VDZ

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Specialist articles

German federal Government decides on 2030 climate protection programme: Mix of CO2 pricing in the non-ETS sectors, sector-specific measures, targets and monitoring

Available in English

Cement International 18 (2020) 1, S.10-12

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Industry publication

Environmental Data of the German Cement Industry 2018

Available in German and English
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Specialist articles

Successful start to the IN4climate.NRW climate protection project: VDZ supports the SCI4climate.NRW scientific centre of competence

Available in English

Cement International 17 (2019) 6, S.14

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Proceedings, 26. - 28. September 2018

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Tagungsband, 26. - 28. September 2018

This article has to be requested from VDZ

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  • Cement production
  • Cement industry
  • Concrete technology
  • Chemistry and mineralogy
  • Quality assurance
  • Environmental protection


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