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Publications on the subject Cement production


Abschlussbericht: Prozesskettenorientierte Ermittlung der Material- und Energieeffizienzpotentiale in der Zementindustrie

Available in German
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Forschungsergebnisse: Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Verwertung von MVA-Schlacke als Rohstoffkomponente bei der Zementherstellung

Available in German

Im Rahmen dieses Vorhabens sollte ein wirtschaftliches Verfahren entwickelt werden, mit dem aus der Feinfraktion der MV-Schlacke Schwermetalle abgetrennt werden können. Zu diesen Schwermetallen gehören unter anderem Kupfer und Gold, die in der MV-Schlacke in Gehalten auftreten, wie sie heute in armen geogenen Erzen vorliegen.

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Results (German): Increasing energy efficiency and substitution rates in the clinker burning process by drying and grinding alternative fuels

Available in German and German

This research project aimed to first investigate the extent to which relatively inhomogeneous moist and coarse alternative fuels can be added into the kiln unprocessed.

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Results (German): Increased use of alternative fuel in the main firing system of rotary cement kilns

Available in German

The aim of the project was to define the sensitivities of and relationships between the various influencing factors in a form applicable to plants in general.

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Results (German): Investigation of separate finest grinding in cement production as a means of improving energy efficiency and cement properties

Available in German and German

[Translate to English:] Durch das Forschungsvorhaben sollten die Grundlagen für einen Einsatz von Mühlen zur gezielten Feinstmahlung von Zementfraktionen und zementartigen Produkten geschaffen werden.

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Results (German): Reducing mercury loads in rotary cement kilns using sorbents

Available in German

The research project was investigating the extent to which the different types of mercury bond, the alkaline atmosphere and high dust loading influence the effectiveness of possible additives such as activated charcoal, open-hearth coke or other calcium compounds and mixtures of these.

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Results (German): Improving the selection and service life of metallic materials in the high-temperature range of rotary cement kilns, taking into account the relevant gas atmosphere

Available in German

The aim of this research project was to investigate the issue of high-temperature corrosion in the hot area of the preheater and the rotary kiln.

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Results (German): Development of a high-efficiency SNCR process with staged combustion for reducing NOₓ and NH₃ emissions in cement industry rotary kiln plants with precalcination

Available in German and German

The aim of the research project was to obtain general NOₓ emission abatement to 200 mg/m³ with a minimal NH₃ slip of max. 30 mg/m³ in cement industry rotary kiln plants with precalcination.

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  • Knowledge transfer
  • Cement production
  • Cement industry
  • Concrete technology
  • Chemistry and mineralogy
  • Quality assurance
  • Environmental protection


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