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Publications on the subject Cement production

Specialist articles

The effects of cement on health are being examined: Product-related occupational health and safety is becoming increasingly important in the cement industry

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Cement International 14 (2016) 5, S.20

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Specialist articles

Burning conditions and clinker structure: Microscopy and diffractometry for assessing the burning process

Available in English

Cement International 14 (2016) 5, S.22

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Specialist articles

Spotlight on mercury emissions: NRW study puts the cement industry contribution at 7 percent

Available in English

Cement International 14 (2016) 6, S.16

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Specialist articles

Chromate testing: factory production control is to be verified: However, audit testing is not necessary

Available in English

Cement International 14 (2016) 6, S.18-19

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Specialist articles

Optimising energy efficiency

Available in English

World Cement (2016) 4, S.15-18

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Specialist articles

Clinker burning at low temperatures?: Fuel ash promotes the formation of melt phase in rotary kilns

Available in English

Cement International 15 (2017) 1, S.16

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Specialist articles

New maintenance service offered by VDZ: Inspection and measurement of rotary kilns and ball mills

Available in English

Cement International 15 (2017) 2, S.24

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Specialist articles

How a dieselgate can be avoided: FIZ service helps with proper recording of emissions

Available in English

Cement International 15 (2017) 2, S.26

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  • Knowledge transfer
  • Cement production
  • Cement industry
  • Concrete technology
  • Chemistry and mineralogy
  • Quality assurance
  • Environmental protection


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  • English

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