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Knowledge transfer

Industry publication

Education and Training Programme 2024/25

Available in English

VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.

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Specialist articles

VDZ-Kongreß '93: Düsseldorf (27.9.-1.10.1993)

Available in German

Zement-Kalk-Gips 46 (1993) 11, S.721-723

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Specialist articles

VDI-Staubtagung vom 24. bis 26. Oktober 1967 in München

Available in German

Aufbereitungs-Technik 9 (1968) 1, S.40-42

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Specialist articles

Forschungsinstitut der Zementindustrie, Düsseldorf

Available in German

Achema-Jahrbuch 1 (1965/1967), S.273-275

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Specialist articles

Zement-Tagung 1960

Available in German

Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 56 (1961) 1, S.21-22

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Fortschritt durch Forschung

Available in German

Beton 37 (1987) 4, S.119-122

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Cement production

Industry publication

Education and Training Programme 2024/25

Available in English

VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.

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Industry publication

7. International VDZ-Congress

Available in English

Tagungsband, 25.-27. September 2013

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Industry publication

7. International VDZ-Congress

Available in English and English

Proceedings, 25.-27. September 2013

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Tagungsband, 26. - 28. September 2018

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Proceedings, 26. - 28. September 2018

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Specialist articles

Shaft kiln for calcining raw meal for clinker production in the cement industry

Available in English

ZKG International. 2024, 77(4), S.34-35

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Cement industry

Specialist articles

Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Hochofenzementindusrie

Available in German

Zement 9 (1918) 14, S.82-83

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Specialist articles

Dr. Hermann Passow

Available in German

Tonindustrie-Zeitung 43 (1919) 113, S.1010-1011

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Specialist articles

Der Hüttenzement im Rheinland

Available in German

Tonindustrie-Zeitung 49 (1925) 71, S.996-998

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Specialist articles

Der Hüttenzement und seine Entwicklung

Available in German

Bauingenieur 8 (1927) 31-32, S.589-595

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Specialist articles

Der Geist der Technik

Available in German

Deutsche Technik 8 (1940) 1, S.5-6

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Specialist articles

Wirtschaft und wettbewerb

Available in German

Zement 31 (1942) 43-44, S.460-461

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Concrete technology

Specialist articles

Die Verwendbarkeit der hydraulischen Bindemittel im Kalibergbau

Available in German

Kali 10 (1916) 22, 11 S.

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Specialist articles

Schiffe aus Eisenbeton

Available in German

Stahl und Eisen (1918) 27, S.

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Specialist articles

Über die Verwendung von Beton im Stellungskrieg

Available in German

Zement 8 (1919) 15, S.122-125

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Specialist articles

Über die Verwendung von Beton im Stellungskrieg

Available in German

Zement 8 (1919) 38, S.450-451

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Specialist articles

Schlacken als Beton-Zuschläge

Available in German

Zement 8 (1919) 38, S.441-445

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Specialist articles

Prüfungen verschiedener Wandkonstruktionen auf ihr Wärmeschutz-Vermögen

Available in German

Zement 8 (1919) 24 ; 26, S.246-250 ; S.286-290

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Chemistry and mineralogy

Specialist articles

A brief history of light microscopy applied to Portland cement clinker

Available in English

In: Wetzel, Alexander; Schleiting, Maximilian. Book of extended abstracts of the 19th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials (EMABM) - Book of extended abstracts (Kassel 12.-15.05.2024). Kassel, 2024. Available at: https://dx.doi.org/doi:10.17170/kobra-202403269873

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Forschungsergebnisse: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Beschleunigern und klinkereffizienten Zementen mit mehreren Hauptbestandteilen zur Verbesserung der Frühfestigkeit von Beton

Available in German
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Specialist articles

Stability of calcined clays during storage

Available in English
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Specialist articles

Decarbonisation and preservation of natural resources along the cement and concrete value chain

Available in English
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Specialist articles

Durability of concretes with ternary cements

Available in English
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Research Results: Influences of two-stage mixing on the hydration behaviour of Portland-composite cements and composite cements as well as on the concrete performance

Available in German and German

The effects of two-stage mixing on the early hydration and microstructure development of clinker-efficient Portland composite and composite cements as well as on the strength development and durability of concrete were determined. The aim was to determine the extent to which the performance of these cements can be improved by two-stage mixing processes.

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Quality assurance

Industry publication

Education and Training Programme 2024/25

Available in English

VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.

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Specialist articles

FIZ-Zert offers CSC certification: The first concrete and cement plants have proven their sustainability

Available in English

Cement International 17 (2019) 1, S.12

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Tagungsband, 26. - 28. September 2018

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Industry publication

8. International VDZ-Congress 2018

Available in English

Proceedings, 26. - 28. September 2018

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Specialist articles

Well equipped for research and analysis: Solution of complex analysis tasks thanks to new equipment technology

Available in English

Cement International 15 (2017) 2, S.28

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Specialist articles

The laboratory is running! Is at its best or is there still potential for improvement?: Reviewing the X-ray analysis in the works laboratory can improve the accuracy of production control

Available in English

Cement International 14 (2016) 5, S.23

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Environmental protection


Staubfragen : Bericht von der Sitzung des Unterausschusses Staubtechnik am 23.Nov. 1951 in Mainz

Available in German
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Specialist articles

Fachtagung "Emissionen" der Vereinigung der Großkesselbesitzer e.V. (4.10. 1968 in Bielefeld)

Available in German

Zement-Kalk-Gips 21 (1968) 12, S.524-525

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Specialist articles

VDI-Kongreß "Reinhaltung der Luft" vom 14. bis 16. Oktober 1969 in Düsseldorf

Available in German

Zement-Kalk-Gips 22 (1969) 11, S.517-521

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Specialist articles

Luftelektrische Felder in umbauten Räumen und im Freien

Available in German

Beton 25 (1975) 11, S.387-390

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Specialist articles

Immissionsprognosen für Genehmigungsverfahren

Available in German

Zement-Kalk-Gips 33 (1980) 1, S.15-23

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Specialist articles

Location of sound sources by frequency selection

Available in German and English

Zement-Kalk-Gips 36 (1983) 1, S.12-17

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  • Cement production
  • Cement industry
  • Concrete technology
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  • Quality assurance
  • Environmental protection


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