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Publications on the subject Cement production

Specialist articles

Die Bestimmung des Schlackensandes im Zement

Available in German

Zement 27 (1938) 36, S.541-546

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Specialist articles

Das freie CaO des Zements und die Wirkung des Betonzusatzmittels Rajasil auf die chemische Widerstandsfähigkeit des Zements

Available in German

Zement-Kalk-Gips 10 (1957) 6, S.221-231

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Specialist articles

Shaft kiln for calcining raw meal for clinker production in the cement industry

Available in English

ZKG International. 2024, 77(4), S.34-35

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Specialist articles

Limestone properties under the spotlight: Portland-limestone cements containing non-standard limestones

Available in English

Cement International 12 (2014) 1, S.23-24

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Specialist articles

The reviews are in

Available in English

World Cement (2018) 11, S.103-107

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Specialist articles

Effect of the clinkering temperature on the specific energy consumption in cement clinker burning

Available in German and English

Zement-Kalk-Gips 34 (1981) 4, S.169-174

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Specialist articles

Hydrogen: reducing fuel-based CO₂ in clinker burning

Available in English and English

International Cement Review, 5 (2023), pp. 60-61

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Specialist articles

Nachhaltige Zementproduktion in Gegenwart und Zukunft

Available in German

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Hrsg): 18. Internationale Baustofftagung 12.-15. September 2012, Weimar ; Tagungsbericht Bd. 1. - Weimar, 2012 (ibausil : 18), S.58-66

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  • Knowledge transfer
  • Cement production
  • Cement industry
  • Concrete technology
  • Chemistry and mineralogy
  • Quality assurance
  • Environmental protection


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