In particular, small and medium sized plants (SMEs) were given the opportunity to derive information on the burning conditions in the rotary kiln from the clinker properties in order to optimise these processes and to realise the further necessary increase of the alternative consumption in cement production with the same high clinker quality. The cement industry should be enabled to gain information about the process from the product using the X-ray analysis, already available in many plants, and to use this information for optimisation.
Assessment of Portland cement clinker by means of microscopic and mineralogical analysis methods for the evaluation of the clinker burning process
The aim of the project was to investigate the suitability of the Ono method for evaluation of burning conditions even on clinker burnt with alternative fuels. Furthermore the focus of the project was the development of a methodology for correlations between microscopically and mineralogically analysed clinker properties and burning conditions.
Background and goals of the research project
The IGF project 18776 N of VDZ gemeinnuetzige GmbH – VDZ Technology gGmbH, Toulouser Allee 71, 40476 Duesseldorf was supported by the AiF within the framework of Industrial Collective Research (IGF) of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag.