Research projects
High-quality recycling of crushed concrete sand
In the ZIM research project, used concrete is processed in such a way as to improve the usability of all fractions generated, in particular the crushed sand and the fine fraction. To this end, tests are also being carried out on the pozzolanic reactivation of the recycled concrete fines.
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Research projects
Systematic application of IR spectroscopy to strengthen the circular economy in the construction industry
In this research project, IR spectroscopy in combination with mathematical tools (chemometrics) is going to be evaluated as an analytical method for the characterisation of silica based materials, primarily X-ray amorphous materials, with regard to the reliable determination of the composition of material mixtures with X-ray amorphous materials (e.g. ternary cements with calcined clay and/or recycled concrete fines). In a next step, the findings on the analytical method and evaluation routines developed for cement are going to be evaluated with regard to their transferability to siliceous aggregates for estimating its alkali sensitivity.
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Research projects
Contribution of calcined clay as main constituent of cement to prevent alkali-silica reaction
The current requirements for low alkali cements mean that calcined clays can hardly be used as main constituent in such cements due to their alkali content. However, it is known that pozzolanic SCMs contribute to the prevention of ASR. The aim of the research project is therefore to systematically investigate the contribution of calcined clays to the prevention of ASR.
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Research projects
Performance of two-layer concrete pavers using clinker efficient cements with focus on freeze-thaw resistance
Following the recommendations of the CO₂ roadmap, a minimum of 50 % of concrete for pavers will be produced with CEM II/C or similar clinker efficient cements by 2050. Proof of their practicability for production of two-layer pavers is still pending. This research project aims to develop actions for paver manufacturers to ensure a production of concrete pavers with a high resistance to freeze-thaw attack with de-icing chemicals using clinker efficient cements.
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Research projects
REDOL - Aragon's REgional Hub for circularity: Demonstration Of Local industrial-urban symbiosis initiatives
Redol deals with closing material cycles using the city of Zaragoza as an example. The research project focuses on solid urban waste, which is an abundant source to produce circular products. Five value chains for solid urban waste in the Aragon region will be redesigned in order to be able to produce circular products using an industrial-urban symbiosis approach.
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Research projects
Contribution of calcined clay as cement main constituent to avoid an alkali-silica reaction
This research project serves to analyse the effects of various factors (especially chemistry and mineralogy of the raw clay, calcination temperature) on the effective alkali content of cements with calcined clays,
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Energy balances and efficiency
In this training you will learn how to conduct and evaluate cement kiln and mill trials. Kiln and mill examinations are carried out in order to gather data on the performance and to validate warranty performance data such as the output, the energy consumption, input/output ratio or the efficiency. Using this data as a reliable basis, you can for example optimise individual components of the operating system as well as the cement quality, reduce energy demands as well as emissions, evaluate material cycles and reduce coating formation.
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Research projects
Performance of ternary cements with Portland cement clinker, calcined clay and limestone as the main constituents
The project systematically investigates the performance and hydration behaviour of ternary cement (KQL) with clinker (K), calcined clay (Q) and limestone (L) as well as key durability aspects of concretes produced with these materials.
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Research projects
Process atmosphere during clay calcination – effects on emissions and product properties
Calcined clays as the main cement constituent are an essential part of the cement industry's decarbonisation strategy. Many clay deposits have iron-rich impurities that form hematite during calcination, which colors the product, the cement and ultimately the concrete red. A reducing atmosphere during calcination and/or cooling can prevent the formation of hematite.
Systematic findings on the influence of secondary constituents in clays on their reactivity, emissions and cement-technical properties have hardly been available to date and are to be systematically investigated in the project.
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Research projects
Fire performance of ecologically optimised concretes
The purpose of the research project is to gain the first systematic scientific findings on spalling behaviour in the event of fire and on thermo-mechanical and thermo-physical properties for concretes with the new clinker-efficient cement types and with recycled aggregates.
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