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Публикации по теме Chemistry and mineralogy

Профессиональная статья

Mineralische Bauabfälle Monitoring 2014: Bericht zum Aufkommen und zum Verbleib mineralischer Bauabfälle im Jahr 2014

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Leopolder, Ferdinand, Hrsg. Drymix mortar yearbook 2017: idmmc 6 (Nürnberg 3.4.2017). 2017

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Minor additional cement constituents - which other substances are suitable?: Research project shows the influence of different substnaces on cement properties and hydration

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Cement International 15 (2017) 2, S.22

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Fly ash against ASR

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Cement International 15 (2017) 2, S.26

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Профессиональная статья

Influences of the oxyfuel cooling medium on mineralogy and microstructure of Portland cement clinker

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17th EMABM, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, May 20-23, 2019 Hrsg. Proceedings of the 17th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Toronto (Canada), 20. to 23. May 2019

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Профессиональная статья

Influences of Accelerators on the Compressive Strength of Clinker-Efficient Composite Cements with Slag and Limestone

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In: Thailand Concrete Association, Ed. Further Reduction of CO₂-Emissions and Circularity in the Cement and Concrete Industry, 16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement 2023 - ICCC 2023 (Bangkok 18. - 22.09.2023). Bangkok, 2023. Available at: https://www.iccc-online.org/archive (pp. 51 - 54)

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Critical Investigations on Two-Stage Mixing to Increase Early Strength of Cements with Slag and Limestone

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In: Thailand Concrete Association, Ed. Further Reduction of CO₂-Emissions and Circularity in the Cement and Concrete Industry, 16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement 2023 - ICCC2023 (Bangkok 18. - 22.09.2023). Bangkok, 2023. Vol.III. Available at: https://www.iccc-online.org/archive

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Decarbonisation and preservation of natural resources along the cement and concrete value chain

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Stability of calcined clays during storage

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